NaNoWriMo 2017

Hey friends, I wanted to formally announce that I’m participating in NaNoWriMo 2017. If you’ve followed me long, you know I’m a huge proponent of this event. If you haven’t and don’t know what I’m talking about, let me give a brief intro.

NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. It’s every November and the goal is to write a 50,000 word novel between Nov. 1st – Nov. 30th. As far as novel length goes, 50k isn’t really all that much. But for writers who’ve been struggling or needed a boost to get out there and write, NaNo is the perfect way to get at it.

Back when I wanted to pick up writing again, I used NaNo to kick start my work. I failed the first year or two and finally “won” with my book Master of the Drunken Fist. I went on for three more consecutive wins. For me, being able to finish a novel made being a writer a reality.

soul windowsThis year I’m doing a horror novel. For now, I’m titling it “Soul Windows” and have even created a pretty sweet looking cover to give myself an added incentive to finish. I plan on discussing this new novel throughout October as I lead up to Nov. 1st when I actually get to start writing it!

Anyone else interested in jumping on board? Go to the NaNoWriMo site and register. It’s free and they’ve got a ton of useful posts in the forums. If you do, add me as a writing buddy. My name there is Lailoken74. I’ve created a private Facebook group for my writer friends who want to participate in NaNo as a place to share info and encouragement. If you want in, click here.

I can’t wait to get started! I encourage you to try it if you’ve ever had the urge to write. For seasoned writers, it’s the perfect way to jumpstart a current or future project.

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