Tag Archives: SciFi

New Release This Week!


Hey everyone, this week is gonna be great! My new book Rise of the Forgotten: The Forgotten Chronicles Book 2 releases this Friday January 19th! I’m so excited about moving the story forward and hope you enjoy your next visit to the world of Anastasia.

You can pre-order the book for only .99 on Amazon. I do hope you take advantage of the pre-order price. After release, it will go to $2.99.

68In support of the new book, The Selection: The Forgotten Chronicles Book 1 is on sale for .99 all through the week. Feel free to grab a copy. If you get both books, that’s less than $2!

I’m also super excited to share that The Selection is now available on audiobook! Narrated by Paul Jenkins, he does an amazing job of bringing the world to life. It’s available on Audible, Amazon, or iTunes.

PrintI’m running a Facebook giveaway of the audiobook for 10 lucky readers who pre-order Rise of the Forgotten and send in a screenshot of the sales page showing they bought it. I want to extend that contest to the blog. So…if you pre-order Rise of the Forgotten for only .99, send me a screenshot of your purchase page (or add it as a comment below) and you’ll be entered to win a download code for the audiobook of The Selection. The contest ends at 5pm CST on Thursday Jan. 18th.

That’s it for this week. I hope you join me as we continue the story!


New Year, Better Plans

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you can take the best of 2017 and carry that over to this year. Let’s leave all that negativity and hate in the past and move forward with a purpose and a bright future ahead.

ipadrt_823x978 copy2017 saw the release of my first novel, The Selection. It has since been rebranded as The Selection: The Forgotten Chronicles Book 1. It’s now the first in what I’m planning as a trilogy, set on the planet Anastasia and following Eron as he moves beyond the Selection. As the series title suggests, the Forgotten play an immense role in all of this.

I’ve had mostly positive responses to the book and it’s brought me more readers which I hope to continue into 2018.

To further that, the audiobook release of The Selection: The Forgotten Chronicles Book 1 is due within a week or so of this post. It’s narrated by Paul Jenkins and sounds AMAZING! I cannot wait for its release. I think you’ll love it!

ipadlt_823x978The second book in the trilogy, Rise of the Forgotten comes out on January 19th. You can pre-order the ebook now for only .99. ( A little under the radar pro-tip: if you really don’t wanna wait, the paperback is actually live and available to purchase now.)

I’m working on the third book of the trilogy, The War for Truth. I’m about 8,000 words into it and I’m planning a late Summer release, maybe July. If all goes well, you may also get the release of a series of novellas in the Fall that relates to 4-5 characters from the series.

Other than the scifi series, I’m planning on releasing two horror novels in 2018. One is titled Brown’s Sacrifice and the other is Soul Windows. Both are set in Brownsville, my pseudonym for Murphysboro, where I live. I’ve thought about branding those as Brownsville Oddities Novels and see how that goes. I have a possible third novel to include in that series, however I’m not certain about that yet.

OnTheHorizonNoWoodIn May, my book The Selection: The Forgotten Chronicles Book 1, will be re-released as part of the On the Horizon book bundle which includes 22 full-length scifi and fantasy novels with the theme “little to no tech.” My book fits perfectly with the theme and to make it enticing to those that have already read my book, I’m going to include an exclusive short story that’s only part of this bundle. The best part is you can pre-order it for only .99! I highly encourage you to check it out and pre-order your copy today. Even if you’ve read my book, that’s still 21 other full-length novels for less than a $1!

Finally, I’ll be working on a fantasy novel for a 2019 release as part of a larger shared world project. I think at last count we had something like 20-25 authors committed to the project. Our plan is to release a book a month, all tied into the same world. It’s a fascinating concept and will finally get me to write the fantasy novel I’ve been wanting to write since I started creating stories.

This is what you can look forward to from me in 2018. I’m grateful to those of you who’ve supported me by buying a book, sharing my posts, or offering words of encouragement. It’s lonely sometimes as a writer and you make it all worthwhile. Thanks again for everything! Let’s crush 2018 and make it the best yet!



Last Free Day

Happy Labor Day everyone!

If you live in the United States, many businesses are closed today in observance of this holiday. I hope you get to enjoy it. Maybe by reading a few good books?

I wanted to remind you about the free ebook deals I’m running which expire today.

You can get all 3 of my books for nothing but you gotta hurry because the free deal ends today.

Grab the books at the links below and feel free to share with others who might enjoy my dark short stories or my young adult scifi novel.

2ย  (Almost) Average Anthology


516qlpryx7lย  Moments of Darkness


Printย  The Selection

Even if you don’t read them right away, get the books while they’re free so when you have some time, they’ll be there ready to go.

Thanks so much for all your support. It’s because of readers like you I get to do what I do.

“The Selection” – Chapter 1 Preview

PrintMy book The Selection has received some amazing reviews and I’m so pleased readers are connecting with the story. If you’ve not had a chance to read what earned me a nomination (and win!) for best SciFi Author in the Reality Bites Book Awards, here’s the entire first chapter to test drive my fast paced, action-filled story. I hope you enjoy it!


Mina giggled. Eron ran across the playground. “Mina, I love you! Will you be my girl? You’re so beautiful–” He tripped on a rock and face planted on the red soil. When he stood, Mina had fallen over with laughter.

“Aw, come on Mina, that’s not funny!”

“Yeah it is! Look at you!” She pointed at his shirt, stained red.

“Yeah, whatever,” he said.

They were on morning recess, expending boundless energy while teachers relaxed. The children were more excited than usual at the long siren blast indicating the Selection was underway.

“Ten years from now when you turn eighteen, itโ€™s gonna be your turn at the Selection,” Mina said. She held out her hands with fingers splayed. “Ten!” she said.

“Yeah? So what? It’s how we become men,” Eron replied. He puffed out his chest and Mina giggled again.

“Don’t kill anyone, though, ’cause that’s bad.”

Eron cocked his head. “Why would I do that?”

Mina’s grin faded. “‘Cause that’s what you gotta do. I don’t want you to, though.” She approached him, her red curls bouncing with each step. “I kinda like you, too, Eron,” she whispered in his ear as she kept walking. His face turned as red as the Anastasian sun. The bell rang and the children ran for the school doors.

At the afternoon recess, Mina gathered with a group of her friends, all girls. Eron considered joining the group, but so many girls together at once intimidated him. Instead, he sat by himself and watched the other students playing. There were more boys than girls in his school. After the Selection, however, he knew that would change. Afterwards there were always more adult females than males.

“Why aren’t you with Mina?” a voice behind Eron called. It was Bello. He liked the larger boy, even though he tended to be mean.

“Oh, hey Bello. I don’t know. She’s with her friends. I don’t wanna bother her.”

Bello sat next to him, his large frame casting a shadow over Eron. “So what? Are you scared? Don’t be a baby.”

“Shut up, Bello! Just drop it, ok?”

“I heard you tell her you loved her. Oooh, you love her, don’t ya, Eron?” Bello stood. “Hey Mina,” he called. Mina and her friends looked over. Eron shoved his face in his hands. “Mina, did you know Eron loves you? He loooooves you!”

Mina’s friends laughed.

“Be quiet, Bello! Don’t say anything!” Eron said.

“Eron loves Mina! Eron loves Mina!” Bello sang. Mina’s friends laughed, and others on the playground joined in.

“Come on now, stop laughing. Bello, please stop. You’re embarrassing him,” Mina said. Bello laughed harder.

“No, I’m not. Look,” he said, pointing at Eron. Eron shook, veins pulsing on his forehead.

“You’re not embarrassed, are you?” Bello asked. Eron looked up, his eyes red and glistening. He opened his mouth to reply, then stopped.

“Seriously, Mina, he loves you!” Bello said.

Eron faced Bello, the larger boy standing a head taller than him. “Shut. Up.”

“But it’s the truth.”

Eron clenched his fists.

“What, are you gonna hit me?”

“Eron, please. No violence. You don’t need to do anything. It’s ok,” Mina said, her calm voice soothing to Eron.

“Yeah, you don’t need to do anything,” Bello said, mocking her. Eron turned and walked calmly away.

“That’s it, Eron, walk away like a coward,” Bello said.

Eron ignored his taunts and left the playground, Mina trailing after him.

“Hey,” she said. He’d made it to the school doors and stopped.

“What?” he replied.

“Don’t worry about Bello. He’s just a bully. No one thinks bad about you. Promise.”

“Sure, no problem.”

“Eron, I do like you. Don’t let him get to you.”

The boy paused, then grasped the door handle and left her standing outside.

That was the last time he spoke with her during grade school. Other than an occasional smile and a hi, he couldn’t muster enough courage to talk to her.

Bello’s taunts continued and intensified. They were separated several times on the playground, Bello nearly beating up the smaller boy each time. Mina tried to intervene, but her actions seemed to make it worse. Whatever she said to Bello didn’t help Eron.

By the time they reached high school, Eron’s crush on Mina deepened.

“Why don’t you just try talking to her?” his close friend Connor asked. He’d known Connor since they were little, but they didn’t begin to hang out until eighth grade. As freshmen, they’d become best friends.

They sat in Eron’s room playing chess.

“I can’t, Connor. Not now.”

“Why not? She’s just a person like me. You talk to me. Why not her?”

Eron shrugged. “It’s different. She’s a girl and you’re not.” Connor sighed.

A loud siren blared.

The Selection had begun.

Eron jumped. “Timo!” he said. His older brother Timo was now eighteen, old enough for inclusion in the Selection. He’d been anxious about the event, and now the sirens called him to action.

Eron and Connor raced from the room, nearly slamming into Timo.

“Timo, it’s time,” Eron said. His brother looked at him with wide eyes, a blank expression on his face.

“Yeah, I guess it is. Goodbye, Eron. I’ll see you when you get there.”

Their mom hugged her older son. “Goodbye, son. Be safe. Do what you must. You can do this. Don’t forget your knife.” She kissed his cheek and he nodded.

Timo marched out the door and fell in line with the rest of the boys.

“Sorry, Connor, I gotta go,” Eron said. He sprinted after his brother.

“Timo! Wait! Wait up!”

His brother didn’t turn around. Eron followed as far as he could until the soldiers in gray uniforms forced him back, telling him to go home.


You can get The Selection on Amazon for only .99 through the end of August. Get your copy today!



Giving Back

Advice from other writers is always something to take carefully. We all have our way of doing things and we all come to success in our own way (I’m still trying to find mine!)

I enjoy encouraging other writers or would-be writers. I know what it’s like to dream of being a writer. I know how it felt when I started and I was clueless to much of the process. I know what it’s like to fret because no one knows who I am or has read my work. It sucks.

I’ve had several writers extend a hand or helpful words of wisdom and that’s been awesome.

Whenever I get the chance to help someone else out I jump on it. Who knows where the next major talent is? In this world of indie publishing where the market is oversaturated with works from misguided “writers” to super-talented authors, I want to encourage and lift up those that need a voice, that need an audience because they’re so talented and others need to know.

Have you heard of Aaron Hamilton, Thomas Gunther, Pamela Morris, Ray Wenck, Brent Harris, or Christa Yelich-Koth? Maybe, but it’s more likely you haven’t. They’re all super talented authors of scifi and/or horror (Or in Ray’s case, thrillers). I love sharing these types of writers with others because we can all use a hand once in a while. We may write by ourselves, but we need a team to share the word about our work.

One of the things I enjoy most about selling at Cons is meeting new authors/writers that are unsure what to do with their work or how to get started. I am as transparent as possible. Indie publishing is not a guarded secret, though many who haven’t tried it are as lost as I was when I started. I share my experience with anyone that asks, encouraging them to work hard at their craft and what pitfalls to watch out for. Not that I have “best-selling author” advice, but I’m more than willing to share my experience in hopes that it will inspire them to take their own journey.

Their voice, like those of the authors listed above, might be what we need next.

I hope when I meet new writers seeking advice they seek additional voices. The more information they can gather, the better informed they’ll be and maybe, just maybe, they’ll break through and be the next major indie sensation. Or maybe not. They may simply be fulfilling a lifelong goal, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Reality Bites Book Awards: Final Round

The Reality Bites Book Awards has come to its final round and I’m still in it! I’m in the category for favorite “SciFi Author,” a category I was nominated in because of my book The Selection.

If you have a Facebook account, would you please consider adding your vote? My fans, friends, and family have been awesome in their support in getting me this far. One more week of voting, can you get me to the finish line?

It’s been overwhelming seeing all the help I’ve received. I’ve started nicknaming my amazing support team “The Nuge Brigade” because it sounds pretty cool and they’re encouragement has been awesome!

If you can spare a moment, please add your vote through the link below. I humbly thank you for your help.

Reality Bites Book Awards: Final Round – SciFi Authorย (If for some reason the link only takes you to the Event page, scroll down until you see the “SciFi Author category”)

Thank you again for the massive amount of support. It’s because of you I am where I am.

Reality Bites Book Awards

Hey everyone, this is gonna be a shameless self-promo style of a post.

RealityBitesI was recently nominated in four different categories for the Reality Bites Book Awards! I’m nominated in “Best Horror Book” for my collection of dark tales Moments of Darkness as well as “Best Horror Author.” I’m also nominated for “Best SciFi Book” for my novel The Selection for which I’m also nominated for “Best SciFi Author.”

I’m excited to see that others have found my work worthy of nomination. I’m up against some serious competition too!

If you’ve got a moment and a Facebook account (all the polls are on Facebook unfortunately) could you please consider voting for me? You can vote for more than one author per category so if you feel others deserve a vote as well, please vote for them.

I have the links below. Please consider supporting me and voting for me. If you can share this post with others for their support I’d sure appreciate it. Voting ends Saturday August 12th.


Reality Bites Book Awards Polls

Best Horror Book

Best Horror Author

Best SciFi Book

Best SciFi Author

“The Selection” – Mid-Summer Sale

Hey everyone, I wanted to alert you to a mid-summer sale on my young adult scifi adventure novel The Selection. From now until the end of July, you can get your copy from Amazon for only .99! That’s $2 off the normal price. Please take advantage of this special. Snag one of the images below and share with your friends, family, and frenemies. The easiest link to use is mybook.to/the-selection. It will take you to the Amazon store of your country.



Humans colonized the planet Kepler 186f after Earthโ€™s near total global collapse. Soon after, supply missions ended leaving the colonists to themselves, renaming the planet Anastasia and building a new society far different than Earthโ€™s.ย 

As population imbalance threatened stability in the settlements, a horrific and brutal institution known as The Selection was created.

Centuries later, haunted by the screams of his dead older brother, eighteen year-old Eron fears the unknown terror waiting for him and all boys his age in The Selection. He has thirty days to survive to Victory Point and reunite with his crush Mina. He will have to endure brutal circumstances and forge unlikely alliances if heโ€™s to survive The Selection.

Time is short. Threats are constant. Survival means life. Failure means deathโ€”or worse.





Release Day: Moments of Darkness

Today’s the day! My new book of dark fiction short stories titled “Moments of Darkness” is available on Amazon, Nook, and iBooks! I’m excited to share this new collection of tales with you and hope you find them entertaining.

Please consider picking up a copy today and share with others that might enjoy short, slightly twisted tales perfect for cool autumn nights.

Thanks for your support and I can’t wait to hear what you think of “Moments of Darkness!”


Pre-Orders Available Now!

I’m excited to share my new collection of dark fiction! It’s now available for pre-order for only .99! Grab your ebook copy and save as the price will go up to $2.99 after launch. It will be available on October 7th from Amazon, Nook, iBooks, and more.

I’m way beyond thrilled with this new book. This collection of fourteen flash fiction and short stories offer unique and curious tales with dark themes. Exposing the darker side of life whether in familiar settings or in strange worlds, expect interesting twists and unexpected turns.

516qlpryx7lSciFi, fantasy, and a touch of horror weave throughout these original stories. Murderous beings, deranged customers, dragons bent on self preservation, questing knights, alien contact and more mysterious creatures feature in my second collection of original fiction.

Get yours now! When you finish reading it, please consider leaving an honest review. You can leave reviews on Amazon or GoodReads.ย They are so helpful to me as a writer and to other readers looking for quality entertainment. Actually if you could leave reviews for all the books you read, especially indie authors, I know they’d appreciate it.

To pre-order my book, go to books2read.com/momentsofdarkness and select your ebook retailer of choice.

If you’ve enjoyed my writing (or just want to help me out!) I’d be in your debt if you’d share my post or my book with your followers, friends, family, frenemies, and anyone else that you can think of.
